Married 15 Years, How Do I Spice Things Up?


This column seeks to demystify the issue of sex being a taboo subject among us Nigerian and Africans. It will feature regular sex tips and sex advice for women from our resident expert, Iheoma Obibi of My Intimate Pleasures Shop.

Dear tw Magazine: I’ve been married for nearly fifteen years and as you can imagine my sex life with my husband isn’t what it’s used to be. This year I’m planning a surprise getaway with my husband for Valentine’s Day for what I’m hoping will be a night to remember! Any tips on fun things I can try? Nothing too risqué please! — Ronke, 42


Dear Ronke: Hahahaha! Nothing to risqué! So no bondage and wipes then! I can suggest a dirty weekend for two with scented candles, spend time getting appropriate lingerie for yourself to set the scene, not forgetting board and card games. Remember your body is not as it was when you first got married so your sexual needs may have changed and so has his. Do not forget to do all the niceties at home such as shaving the pubic region before you go away. There are chocolate nipple tassels and edible condoms that all can be eaten off – as long as you are both not diabetic – but I’m sure you get the drift. There is just so much to choose from and I would suggest that you visit for more ideas. Remember to pack your contraceptives. — Iheoma Obibi



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